Monday 1 May 2017

All Skin Care Products cause Severe Diseases. Know How!

Do you use cosmetics products on a regular basis?

Are you suffering from any skin illness?

It is not necessary that every beauty product causes diseases or symptoms, but there is a high chance of such effects due to the harsh chemicals contained in them. Regular absorption of such chemicals by the skin, degrades its quality and also makes it prone to adverse skin conditions.

Not all beauty products are bad for the skin; skin essentials products actually improve the quality of the skin because of their natural/ organic ingredients. Skin Essentials differ from chemical-infused skin care products in their chemical composition.


Severe Skin Conditions

 One of the most common, but severe skin condition that is caused due to regular use of cosmetics are Pimples i.e. Acnes. Pimples are caused not only because of a past history of adolescence, but also due to cosmetics products like chemical moisturizer or foundation, which when left on the skin for long periods of time, cause comedones i.e. blackheads/ whiteheads and inflamed pimples. Treatment of such cosmetic induced pimples is same as ordinary pimples i.e. gels/ creams with oral medication, depending on the severity.

Patients with these conditions are advised not to use any cosmetic products till the condition improves. They can also use oil-free or low oil cosmetics to hide the blemishes on the skin, caused due to the healing process.

Cosmetics like hair-dyes is one of the commonest causes of dermatitis in women and men. It is not necessary that an individual gets an allergy to these dyes in their first time; it is usually the repeated use which causes symptoms of dermatitis. The parts, closest to the hair gets affected the most i.e. ears, face and neck. It is caused due to para- phenylenediamine in the dyes and individuals who are allergic to it, shall avoid all synthetic chemical hair dyes.

Sunscreens, other than protecting the skin from Sun damage, it also causes skin problems. It causes irritant contact dermatitis, photo-allergic contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.

Other beauty products like shampoos, colognes and make up products also cause allergic reactions to the skin because of the chemical composition. The skin is damaged, at times, permanently or for a long period of time in the form of rashes, blisters, burns and acnes et-cetera.

Individuals need to observe the results that are caused due to such toxic chemicals to avoid severe diseases. Even though, these products have powerful applications and allow the individual to look pretty and enhance their appearance artificially. The long term effects are pretty severe, which is the main concern. Individuals can use organic and Natural Skin Care Products to avoid such conditions and improve the quality of their skin as well as the internal health because allergic reactions also makes the immune system weak.


There is not a single reason or irritant which cause skin allergies or other harmful effects on the skin, but rather hundreds of reasons. The type of the skin of the individual matters a lot, on which the reaction depends. The best way to avoid such problems is already mentioned above i.e. notice how the skin reacts to cosmetics products and what can substitute the products which are harmful for the skin.

There is no easy way to stay healthy and fit, but eating the right food is as necessary as making the skin eat the right food.

Always look for health over beauty and fitness over beauty products. Money shall always be considered last and individuals shall buy products which improve the quality of the skin and not degrade its quality.